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Next Level Watercolor Painting COMPOSITION – Work with Patterns

Next level watercolor painting composition – work with patterns. In this lesson you’ll learn how to think and learn like an artist.

Color, shape and value is the fundamental trinity of elements that work very closely together.

Any color has an inherent value of lightness/darkness (tonal value) and so with any color we also paint value. Shape comes into play as soon as we touch a paper – be it a random smudge, dot, line, any color mark.

But my intention here isn’t the explanation of these basic design elements. Notice that my painting is very abstract and simple. My idea is to show you that subject matter has nothing to do with good composition. Good composition is the result of deliberate consideration by the artist. Good composition results from please, balanced, satisfying placement of these three basic design elements.

Color, shape and value are only building blocks that the artist manipulates, organizes, in a way that results in a pleasing pattern of colors, values and shapes.

Once we grasp the concept of overall patterns or rhythms, we can look for them in our own paintings or search for them in the masterpieces of the past. Hopefully, in time, we will become working in reverse to what is natural to us at first and look for pattern before making a painting. Eventually we will learn that pattern is the key and ignoring it poses huge risks to our success. It weakens the structural integrity of our paintings because the consideration of pattern is left to chance.

Working from pattern to subject is not awfully simple or easy. For the time being simply keep in mind that this is how great paintings are made.

Look at your existing work and also new work and try to find a pattern. Look at your light shapes and try to see their relationship. Isolate one bigger light and balance two or three smaller ones against it. Same goes for color and value.

If you can find a pattern, or an indication of one, paint your work again but now with the focus purely on the pattern itself. Technique is not important here. Color is not important. Style is not important. Find a pattern and paint the pattern. This will teach you lessons far more valuable than any teacher can. This way you teach yourself through your work.



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