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Free Watercolor Lessons, Tutorials & Tips

Learn the ins & outs of watercolor painting. These free watercolor videos aim to help you better understand and appreciate the art of watercolor painting. Join me as we virtually travel the world and learn, paint and enjoy ourselves with the brush in the hand.

The benefits and dangers of limited palette - if you ever read or heard that learning color through limiting your palette leads to almost...
Creative watercolor landscape painting how to paint details. In this video lesson you'll learn how I deal with details and darks in a...
How to use shadows creatively? Find out in this watercolor tutorial where I demonstrate and explain how shadows can be used in a creative...
Advanced watercolor technique tutorial can help you, through challenge, surpass how you think about your watercolor painting approach.
How to use limited palette in watercolor? Find out in today's video. Hello friends and welcome back to my studio!
Cheap watercolor paper downsides I discuss in this video may well be behind your frustration if you're learning watercolor.